INDIVISIBLE was founded through the inaugural cohort of

Higher Cost of Living Icon

We aim to address the affordability of basic needs, access to homeownership and the threatening climate crisis through innovative and democratic solutions that improve the quality of life and social standing of everyday people.

Team Building

Our unique technology allows DAOs to connect universally to build fully interactive coalitions with practical tools and features that increase bargaining power, strengthen communities, and mitigate investment risk. Nobody else has solved for DAOs banding together or communicating across networks.

business coalition cooperation decision fist bump

This is the most powerful social tool to date because it shifts the intent from social media and advertising to sustainable community organization and action. Everything including ideation, solutioning, consensus building (governance) and smart contract deployment are conducted within the app.

Imagine Zuckerberg, Bezos, or Musk actually wanted to empower their users? They don't, we do.


Powerful analytics dashboards track cost savings, revenue, and actual CO₂ offset against previous baselines. Tenants, Business owners, and Partners can keep a read on benefits in real-time and set long term goals to help plan for their future.

Board Of Directors

Our diverse board is rich with talent from various capacities from across the globe. At our core, we have seasoned organizers and campaigners among us. Our marketing budget will be diverted to direct organizing of communities. We aim to prove our worth through action. Direct grassroots outreach is a proven effective model and preferred by all political campaigns that drive residents to action.

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The technological strength of INDIVISIBLE is in the application, reusability, and stability of its architectural framework. Templatized solutions are being built to support the widest range of use cases, offering extreme flexibility for users and maintaining operational efficiency.

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Unlike crowdfunding apps like Kickstarter that tend to trend and benefit the fortunate few, INDIVISIBLE uses advanced computation and user-set criteria from both sides to match local innovators with impact investors to support the launch of new business projects. We weigh priorities based on community need, advocating for the areas that need the greatest investment.

We team local entrepreneurs up with strategists and planners to consult and ensure the longterm sustainability and impact of each project.

White Paper Texture
rocket taking off

Dear Investor,

If you've read this far, we have something in common.

We agree that we cannot wait for government or industry alone to make the changes that society so desperately wants and needs. We share a vision where people from all walks of life and every class can enjoy the fruits of their labor, and can guarantee a more peaceful planet to future generations.

The time is now!

Harvard's Annual 'State of the Nation's Housing' Report has acknowledged that across the USA, 1/7 homes pay more than half their income to rent... that's 1/6 in FL and 1/5 in NY and CA. Home prices and rent went up +20% last year and rent followed at 12%.

USA has a current deficit of nearly 4 million homes with the greatest shortage for low-income families. Cost burdens have increased and disproportionately for people of color.

According to Habitat for Humanity, another major problem is "investors are buying up a record share of homes – especially homes in the bottom third of the market – and flipping them for a significant profit or renting them."

They say, "the overall housing shortage creates an urgent need for wider use of low-cost housing typologies and investment in affordable homebuilders that can expand the supply of affordable homes for modest-income households."

And it "could take a decade of record-level homebuilding to meaningfully increase affordability, even considering mitigating factors like rising interest rates. Part of the challenge is that most new homes are being priced at the upper end of the market."

Commercial Observer recently reported "Rent-to-Own Startups Confront Rising Demand and Dwindling Asset Values" and say, "there hasn’t been a breakaway company, even though there’s so much potential."

We know that as real estate prices begin to fall, we are nearing a turning point. That together we can restore ethics, ecology, healthy communities and rebuild the middle class. Let's redefine how the next decade of community building will look... rebuilding from the bottom up.

Your funding will help us help others, by launching the most powerful platform of its kind- the only one set to fully engage in organizing local, distributed economies that scale.

Your investment will plant the example to the business world, of how things could be if we all prosper together.

I look forward to collaborating with you and our team on this revolutionary project for social and environmental good.

Thank you for your interest and contribution.


Matt De Vlieger

Founder & Chief Facilitator


